BIC Quran Volunteer Sign Up

BIC Quran Classes Volunteers Registration Form

Please use the form below to sign up as a volunteer for the Quran Class program

Please use this form to volunteer for the Quran Halaqa program for children

Volunteer Information

Min Age 14 Years
Please enter a number greater than or equal to 14.
Home Address
Do you have a clean vulnerable sector policy record check? *(Required)
All volunteers are required to provide a vulnerable sector police record check from the past 6 months. This can be obtained at no cost with a VSC request letter. Accepted volunteers will receive this letter.
What days are you available?(Required)
check all that apply
What do you want to volunteer for?(Required)
check all that apply

Quran Level

Do you have Ejazzah certificate?(Required)
How many Qiraat do you know?(Required)
How many Ajzaa/Sowar you memorize? Indicate the Ajzaa/Sowar you memorize

Experience dealing with kids

I agree to the do the following(Required)
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 25 MB.
Mailing List(Required)
I give permission to be added to the MAC Ottawa Mailing List and WhatsApp Announcements Group. These groups are only used sparingly to share information about MAC programs and news of interest to you.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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