Travel health advice – Hajj 2023

A French message will follow / A message in French will follow

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) works to protect the health of Canadians at home and abroad in a variety of ways, including the publication and distribution of travel health advice and advisories related to specific destinations and/or events. This includes sharing public health education materials to raise awareness of health risks while participating in the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages, and what travelers can do to stay healthy.

Since the Saudi Arabia government will be allowing Hajj 2023 to return to full capacity, the Agency is working to update travel health advice and advisories to reflect the situation. This includes information on what travelers can do before, during and after their trip, and links to information on requirements for the travelers returning to Canada. For those who will be traveling, we suggest visiting the Government of Canada's travel advice and advisories page for Saudi Arabia at:

To ensure that this information reaches Canadian travelers and helps to protect public health, PHAC is asking for support from organizations such as yours to assist in distributing these health products. We have attached a PDF info sheet as well as a poster in English, French, Turkish, Arabic and Urdu if you would like to print and/or share these documents electronically.

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email. We look forward to continued collaboration with your association to assist Canadians with staying healthy while on pilgrimage.

Wishing you a safe and healthy Hajj!

Office of Border and Travel Health
Public Health Agency of Canada

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The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) works to protect the health of Canadians at home and abroad in a variety of ways, including publishing and distributing health advice and travel advisories related to to specific destinations or events. Specifically, PHAC is disseminating public health information to raise awareness among people who wish to participate in Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages of the health risks and steps they can take to stay healthy.

As the Saudi Arabian government will lift the limit it imposed during the pandemic on the number of pilgrims for the 2023 Hajj, the Agency is working to update health advice and warnings to travelers, particularly in terms of the measures that travelers can take before, during and after their trip, and the requirements regarding their return to Canada. Therefore, we recommend that Canadians planning to travel to Saudi Arabia visit the Government of Canada's travel advice and warnings page for Saudi Arabia at the following address: /Saudi Arabia.

To ensure this health information reaches Canadian travelers and helps protect public health, we rely on organizations like yours to distribute it. Please find attached a PDF information document and a poster in English, French, Turkish, Arabic and Urdu, which we kindly ask you to pass on to Hajj participants.

We would be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt of this email. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with your association to help Canadians stay healthy during their pilgrimage.

We wish you that the Hajj takes place in health and safety!

Cordial greetings,

Office of Travel and Border Health Services
Public Health Agency of Canada

Stay in touch with social media!
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Twitter: @VoyageGdC | @TravelGoc

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