Quran Hifth Program

Quran Memorization Program

At MAC Westmount, we have multiple programs available for Quran Memorization for various age groups. 

For details and availability, please contact us at 519-936-2304 or email us at programs@london.macnet.ca.

Below is a general idea of what we have previously offered and/or are currently offering:


Different levels accomodating all ages and backgrounds. Available for boys and girls

Basic level: Teaching Arabic Alphabet and last few verses of the Quran

Intermediate level: Assisting our youngesters memorize quran starting from the 30th Juzu and basic Tajweed Principles

Advanced: Leading our students to continue their journey in memorizing the Quran and implementation of the Tajweed Principles

Adult sisters

Basic level: Mastering reading the Quran

Advance level: preparation for obtaining Ijaza
an authorization and qualification that allows its holder to teach the Holy Quran and recite it with Tajweed

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