Welcome to

Canadian Institute of Islamic Civilization

septembre 21, 2024


Prayer Times Coming Soon


1st Prayer

11:45 AM

2nd Prayer

12 h 30

3rd Prayer

1:15 PM

Latest Events

مجلس الجمعة الأسبوعي- فصل الصيف

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مجلس الجمعة الأسبوعي- فصل الصيف

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مجلس الجمعة الأسبوعي- فصل الصيف

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مجلس الجمعة الأسبوعي- فصل الصيف

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Latest Announcements

5 Avr 2024

Announcing the MAC Ansar Program

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8 Oct 2019

Camp de jeunes

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8 Oct 2019

Collecte de fonds Noor Gardens

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8 Oct 2019

Services matrimoniaux

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