
Our Programs

Welcome to MAC Youth Programs! Engage in thought-provoking discussions at MAC Youth, intellectual pursuits with QIC Think, and literary exploration with QIC Read. Join us for growth, connection, and an exciting journey!

Événement bihebdomadaire jeunesse de l'AMC

MAC Youth holds a biweekly event for 16+ bothers and sisters. The event takes place on every other Friday at 7:23 PM. The talk is followed by social interaction and our youth make full use of the game room.

Pense QIC

Forums and initiatives for research, discussions, debates, and other intellectual purists. QIC holds a monthly interactive session at the beautiful Diwanyia. Sessions take place on Saturday from 1:00-3:00 PM

Lire CIQ

QIC Read est un club de lecture qui se réunit une fois par mois.

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