MAC Convention 22 – July 1-3 – Enercare Centre – Toronto

Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah Respected Brothers & Sisters,

The Muslim Association of Canada is excited to be sharing some amazing updates regarding MAC Convention 2022, Alhamdulillah!

إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ رَبِّى وَرَبُّكُمْ فَٱعْبُدُوهُ ۗ هَـٰذَا صِرَٰطٌۭ مُّسْتَقِيمٌۭ” ٥١”


Qur’an Translation, 3:51: “Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him ˹alone˺. This is the Straight Path.”, the Clear Quran

MAC Convention 2022: Thriving in the Path of Allah (Tareeq Al-Istiqamah – طريق الاستقامة) is going to be a complete three day immersive experience unlike any large-scale event you have ever attended, inshaAllah.  This is the event where creativity, hope, solidarity, and inspiration will meet. Details and registration can be found at

This event will feature:

  • approximately 10,000+ attendees for three days, inshaAllah
    • You will be in the company of a thriving community of Canadian Muslims where who are all focused on gathering for the sake of Allah (swt)
  • Over 30 Internationally distinguished speakers
    • These speakers will bring you research-driven content that presents perspectives in the latest issues and trends impacting Muslims in Canada
    • You will be moved by their perspectives, inshaAllah.
    • Full speakers list can be found
  • Vibrant bazaar
    • Featuring some of the best known businesses in the Muslim community
    • Get your Eid shopping done!
    • Support local businesses and help the Muslim community thrive, inshaAllah
  • Competitions & Creative Submissions
    • Qur’an and Islamic knowledge competitions; Hackathons; Dragon’s Den; Artistic Submissions; Poetry Slam; & Family competitions – we have something for you!
    • This is the place to showcase and celebrate our community’s talents, inshaAllah
  • Entertainment
    • featuring performances by leading artists in the Muslim entertainment industry
    • A complete 3-hour segment that will leave you inspired, inshaAllah
  • Marriage workshops and sessions
    • Sessions that will help explore the deeper topics of marriage and spousal selection and matrimonial services
  • Creative Arts
    • We have an entire Creative art competitions; a poetry slam; an art exhibit; live artists you can watch as they create their works; and art workshops!

Convention Topics:

  • Islam & Shariah: topics including fiqh approaches; Islamic philosophy; history & contributions
  • Family-related topics including parenting, and women’s topics
  • Youth-related topics in role of youth; MSA leadership; dawah on campus; Islamophobia
  • Business & young professionals;, including entrepreneurship; finance; charitable sector; and professionals
  • Health & well-being including mental well-being
  • Civic engagement & Social Justice: including advocacy; role of Muslims in mainstream society including anti-black racism issues; Indigenous; and environmental issues
  • Da’wah: including how to present Islam and answer misconceptions
  • Social justice, Islamic Scholars contributions in the fundamental Islamic subjects.

For tickets, please see below.

Lastly, you can also share the link of the ticket registration with your friends and family to let them know about this Ummah-scale event!

May Allah (swt) bless you and your families. We can’t wait to see you at MAC Convention 2022: Thriving in the Path of Allah (Tareeq Al-Istiqamah – طريق الاستقامة).


MAC Convention 22 Team

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