MAC Convention 2024: May 18-20 at the Metro Convention Center in Toronto

الجمعية الاسلامية الكندية (ماك) – MAC Convention 2024

French and Arabic follows.

MAC Convention 2024: May 18-20 at Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
Join our esteemed scholars, academics, activists, and community leaders in dynamic conversations around strength, justice, action and hope on the journey to standing firm in the path of Truth.
Early Bird Tickets extended until April 19!
Purchase them while you can. Don't miss out! A whole family experience! A weekend like no other!

MAC Convention 2024: May 18-20 at the Metro Convention Center in Toronto.
Join our leading scholars, researchers, activists and community leaders for dynamic conversations about the strength, justice, action and hope needed to stand firm in the path of Truth.
Pre-sale tickets ONLY until April 19th!
Buy them while they're available. Don't miss this! A complete family experience! Get ready for a weekend like no other!

It is no longer necessary to register for the joumoua prayer.

مؤتمر الجمعية الاسلامية الكندية (ماك) ٢٠٢٤
May 18-20 at Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
انضموا الينا مع نخبه من العلماء والاكاديمين والناشطين وقادة المجتمع في حوارا OF عية ، وتقوية دعائم المجتمع المسلم المقترنة بالعمل الدؤ 198
April 19
اشتري تذكرتك الان ولا تفوت فرصة
تحربة مميزه لجميع افراد العائله

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