How do I approach my 2023 New Year's resolutions?

How do I approach my 2023 New Year's resolutions?
Mr. Abdullatif Bakbak, MAC Executive Chairman
Assessing New Year Resolutions and Preparing for 2023.

As we welcome another Gregorian year, it is an opportunity for us to reflect as a community, not because this particular day has special meaning for us as Muslims, but because it is a collective moment in our society where people become intentional to make resolutions and achieve self-growth – a practice inherent in our tradition. Improving our overall human condition is the essence of the prophetic message, which offered us a practical framework for us develop and build a better relationship with our Creator and those around us. In a world of increasing materialism and decreasing spirituality, it is more essential than ever to turn to this beautiful wisdom.

As believers, our lives are centered on Allah, the One. We understand the world around us, our purpose, and the significance of our experiences in relation to what He intended. In order to maintain this conviction and to excel throughout the year, consider the following three actions:

1) Improve our connection with Allah

Compulsory worship:

In an edifying hadith qudsi, the Prophet (pbuh) reported in the name of Allah:

iما تقرب إليّ عبدي بشيء أحب إليّ مما افترضته عليه

My servant adored me nothing more loved than what I imposed on him

it is a reminder of the importance of our obligatory worship. Let us commit to improving the quality and consistency of our daily prayers and our prompt and full payment of Zakat. Let us also begin to prepare our hearts for the month of Ramadan. We must engage in these acts with sincerity and with the awareness that they are the most beloved acts of our Creator.

Voluntary Worship:

The beautiful hadith continues:

ولا يزال عبدي يتقرب إليّ بالنوافل حتى أحبه

My servant keeps coming closer to me with nawafil (voluntary acts) until I love him.

Imagine with me that you and I won the love of Allah. What greater gift could one hope for in this world and the next? Here, Allah shows us that the path to His love is our effort in nawafil deeds. So let's resolve to push ourselves in the coming year. Examples of resolutions can be: committing to pray at least one sunnah prayer a day, praying in the mosque once a day, fasting three days a month, adopting a daily short wird of the Quran or thikr, or praying two short rukaas of qiyam after isha or before fajr. These are the deeds that can lead us to the greatest prize: the love and satisfaction of Allah!

2) Improve our connection with others

Islam has placed crucial importance on serving the people around us. Allah directs us to honor our parents with excellence. The Prophet (as) said, the best of you is the best for your family, and I am the best for my family. Your resolutions should include improving these important relationships. You must commit to calling or visiting your parents more regularly or serving them in a deeper way. You can also engage in specific practices that will make you a better spouse, a better parent, a better brother.

Beyond our immediate family, the Prophet (pbuh) asked us to serve everyone around us. This includes our brothers and sisters in Islam as well as our neighbours, peers and colleagues. In what ways can you foster these connections in your life?

The quality of our lives and the health of our iman also depend on the types of relationships we have. Becoming a better person requires us to assess those relationships, rekindle those that are healthy and important to us, and sever those that are detrimental and harmful. As you formulate your resolutions, it is essential to question your relationships and reflect on their impact on your ultimate relationship, that with Allah.

3) Personal development

Finally, Islam commands us to also prioritize our own personal development. here are some important aspects:

I. Developing ethics (akhlaq): what does your behavior look like? Do you constantly embody honesty, courage, compassion, reliability, patience? Do you too often fall into arrogance, anger, envy, backbiting, Riyaa' (seeking the admiration of others)? where are you below? Pick one aspect of your behavior that you want to improve, reflect on situations in your life where you behave in ways that are inconsistent with your values, and commit to doing better in future circumstances.

II. Acquiring knowledge: Allah and the Prophet (pbuh) have emphasized acquiring knowledge as one of the greatest acts of a believer. Lifelong learning has long been the tradition of our pious predecessors. What sacred knowledge can you acquire in the coming year? What halaqa, dars or local class can you commit to in the coming year?

III. Physical Health: Allah has entrusted our bodies to us, and we honor that trust by honoring our bodies. In the coming year, what positive habits do you want to adopt in terms of food, exercise, sleep?

Importance of Habit Development:

Remember that most people neglect their New Year's resolutions for a few weeks each year. The reliable way around this problem is to focus on building habits rather than forming distant, ambitious goals in each of the above categories, think of a small positive habit (preferably daily) in which it is easy to engage, and find a way to hold yourself accountable (preferably with a friend or family member). Once your habit solidifies, it becomes easier to improve and grow.

Although positive habits can curb some of our negative habits, it is important to actively assess these unwanted habits and make an effort to eliminate them. For example, most of us spend too much time on our phones, and many of us follow unhealthy diets and sleep patterns.

Often, solving just one of these bad habits can have a remarkable impact on our lives.

Building habits isn't easy, and if you seriously strive to follow this path, there are likely to be many ups and downs. But staying on the path despite setbacks is a sign of strength and resilience, and Allah loves and rewards those who strive for Him.

In order to effectively develop and maintain healthy habits, there must be an overwhelming will to do so. With perseverance and sincere intentions, Allah will facilitate our path of personal development and growth.

In conclusion

It is in our power to improve our lives. We always look to Allah (swt) to help us become better people. People who are dedicated to him, who are dedicated to those around them and who are committed to bettering themselves. Above all, we aim to lead a life that pleases Allah and earn His love and mercy through our efforts and despite our inevitable shortcomings.

I ask Allah to bless you, your families and our entire Muslim community in the coming year. May Allah grant our ummah better days and choose us to be vanguards of His religion who develop positive change within and on the world around us.

Your brother,
Abdullatif Bakbak
MAC President-Executive

i Voici le hadith complet :عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه ، قال : قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم : { إن الله تعالى قال : من عادى لي وليّاً فقد آذنته بالحرب، وما تقرب إليّ عبدي بشيء أحب إليّ مما افترضته عليه ، ولا يزال عبدي يتقرب إليّ بالنوافل حتى أحبه ، فإذا أحببته كنت سمعه الذي يسمع به ، وبصره الذي يبصر فيه ، ويده التيش يبشبها، ورجله التي يمشي بها، ولئن سألني لأعـطينه، ولئن استعاذني لأعيذنه

Selon Abu Huraira (RA), le Prophète (PSL ) a dit: «Allah le Tout-Haut a dit : J’ai déclaré la guerre à quiconque prend mon allié comme ennemi. Mon serviteur ne m’a rien adoré de plus aimé que celui que je lui ai imposé. Mon serviteur continue de se rapprocher de moi avec les nawafil (actes volontaires) jusqu’à ce que je l’aime. Et quand je l’aime, je deviens l’ouïe avec laquelle il entend, la vue avec laquelle il voit, la main avec laquelle il frappe et la jambe avec laquelle il marche. s’il me le demande, je le lui donnerai sûrement et s’il cherche ma protection, je l’accorderai sûrement

وَقَٰ originalٰ رَبُ temps أَلَّا تَعْبُوا إ!
II onne هُم fles أَوْ ك shuttlebackاهُمَا فَلَا تَقُل لَّهُمَا أفٍ وَلَا تَنْANS:!

Ton Seigneur t’a ordonné de n’adorer que Lui et d’être bon envers tes parents. Si l’un d’eux ou les deux atteignent la vieillesse avec vous, ne leur dites pas : «Ouf», ne les réprimandez pas, mais parlez-leur avec des paroles de respect. (17:23)

III رضي الله عنها قالت: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: خيركم خيركم ل sol

Sur l’autorité d’Aisha (RA) : Le Prophète (psl) a dit : «Les meilleurs d’entre vous sont ceux qui sont les meilleurs pour leurs familles, et je suis le meilleur pour ma famille».

iv Ayat and Hadith on the importance of seeking knowledge:

God will elevate, in many degrees, those of you who believe and those who have received the knowledge: He is fully aware of what you are doing. [Quran, 58:11]

إِ in love

It is those of his servants who have knowledge who stand in true fear of God. God is almighty, most forgiving. [Quran, 35:28]

sous l’autorité d’Abu Dardaa’ (RA) : J’ai entendu le Prophète (psl) dire : «Celui qui prend un chemin à la recherche de la connaissance, Allah le fera marcher dans l’un des chemins vers le Paradis. En effet, les anges baisseront leurs ailes avec grand plaisir avec celui qui cherche la connaissance. » [Rapporté par Abu Dawud et Tirmidhi]

Sous l’autorité de Mu’awiya bin Abu Sufyan (RA) : J’ai entendu le Prophète (psl) dire : «Si Allah veut du bien pour une personne, Il lui donne la compréhension de la religion.» [Reproduit par Bukahri et Muslim]

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